ETIAS - Carriers obligations

This new regulation implies obligations for international carriers.
They will be legally obliged to check that their passengers have an ETIAS authorisation within 48 hours before departure:
- Air and sea carriers must fulfill this obligation from the date ETIAS comes into effect.
- International bus companies will have three years to adapt to this new measure.
- Rail carriers will not be required to carry out this check.
It should be noted that regardless of the mode of transport used, ETIAS authorisations will be checked by border control officers. Carriers must consider this. Furthermore, their obligations regarding the return of persons who are refused entry at the border remain unchanged. If a foreign national arrives at the Belgian external border without the required ETIAS authorisation, the Immigration Office will impose an administrative fine on the carrier in accordance with Article 74/4bis of the law of 15.12.1980.
Carriers will be able to carry out this verification electronically via a new interface. Therefore, it is necessary for them to register with EU-Lisa by completing the attached form, which must be sent to the email address
This registration is a legal obligation. We recommend completing it as soon as possible.
Please note: the form has to be completed in English.
More information on ETIAS in this article and on the official website.
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