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Security unit

Meeting room with office chairs
Regular safety meetings are held at every level. A safety meeting is a consultation with all partners involved to discuss current issues and possible risks.


A safety meeting in a municipality or province comprises:

  • the mayor or governor
  • the emergency planning coordinator of the municipality or province
  • a representative from each discipline
  • a representative of the 112 emergency call centre (only at provincial level)
  • possibly other services, based on a current issue, e.g. a representative of the Public Centre for Social Welfare, the Health and Safety Advisor of a company, etc.

The emergency planning coordinator directs the safety meeting and always draws up a report.

National level             

At the national level, the Minister of the Interior may ask the National Crisis Center to convene a security meeting. This safety meeting may comprise:

  • Disciplines at the federal level (Federal Police, FPS Public Health, Civil Security, etc.);
  • Federal Public Services;
  • Regional crisis centres;
  • Other services or experts.