Risk cycle

Crisis management is more than just acting during an emergency itself. Before and after as well, authorities and partners take various steps to limit the consequences of an emergency. All these different steps make up the risk cycle.
There are 6 steps in total.
- Risk identification and analysis: Identifying the main risks to which we as a society are or may be exposed. This analysis takes into account the existing preventive measures to identify the impact and probability of risks.
- National resilience: Taking additional measures (e.g. safety rules or checks) and setting standards to reduce the probability and impact of the major risks.
- National preparation: Drawing up emergency plans and procedures and practising them regularly. This step is taken if the probability or impact of a risk remains too high, even after taking preventive measures.
- Crisis management: Managing and controlling the emergency as best as possible in cooperation with all partners involved.
- Recovery: Guiding the return to a normal situation.
- Evaluation: Formulating points for improvement and taking corresponding measures to better manage future emergencies.