Transport security

Railway safety
In the event of a terrorist threat to the Belgian railways, the federal phase of crisis management begins and the Federal Coordination Committee meets.
As soon as the Coordination Unit for Threat Analysis (CUTA) receives an analysis of (a change in the level of) a threat, the NCCN contacts Securail's Security Operations Center (SOC). The SOC distributes the information to the various services of the SNCB group and takes the necessary safety measures in cooperation with the railway police.
In the event of a railway accident, the NCCN follows the national principles of emergency planning and crisis management.
Safety at sea
The NCCN implements the European Regulation on port facility security. This Regulation regulates the security of ships and ports (ISPS code: International Ship and Port Facility Security Code).
The Regulation contains rules and recommendations to prevent certain forms of illegal incidents.
Security plan
Companies that own a terminal or a loading and unloading area must draw up a security plan based on a risk analysis.
In cooperation with the FPS Mobility and Transport, the NCCN coordinates the improvement of security in ports by drawing up security plans.
National Authority for Maritime Security
The National Authority for Maritime Security is responsible for the general maritime security policy. In addition, there are also local committees for the major ports in Belgium, namely Antwerp, Brussels, Genk, Ghent, Hasselt, Liège, Ostend, Zeebrugge, the waterways and the sea channel.