CBRNE Expertise Centre

The CBRNe expertise centre strives for a common, multidisciplinary vision of the CBRNe risk, within all parts of the risk cycle and with consideration for the integration of protective measures (safety) and security aspects (security). It develops an integrated and multidisciplinary vision and approach to CBRN risks that have consequences at national level, regardless of their origin (civil/terrorist/military).
The expertise centre brings together experts to enable cooperation and consultation on the CBRNe risk. These experts come from various partner services, including the FPS Public Health, the Ministry of Defence, the Federal Police, the Directorate-General Civil Security, the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, and Sciensano. Based on expertise or a specific project/file, experts from other departments can also be invited.
The expertise centre gathers knowledge about the CBRNe risk and develops methods to prepare for and improve the management of CBRNe incidents. The centre strives for coherence between the different mono-/multidisciplinary plans, and harmony between theory, strategic aspects and reality on the ground.
The tasks include:
- Conducting research into CBRNe risks
- Establishing procedures for the management of CBRNe incidents
- Organising exercises
- Providing training to emergency services and other partners
- Organising moments of evaluation of CBRNe incidents
- Providing advice on the development of (national) emergency plans, including the nuclear and radiological emergency plan and the CBRNe emergency plan
- Establishing international cooperation with centres of excellence on CBRNe from other countries and international institutions (EU & NATO)
- Participating in CBRNe working groups and meetings of the European Commission within the RescEU taskforce
The cooperation principles of the centre of expertise have been laid down in an inter-ministerial protocol agreement between the Ministers of Security and the Interior, Public Health and Defence.